“Dreaming to be a Blogger?” Follow this checklist to be a Good One


Now, when it comes to writing, there isn’t any one single secret to create a wonderful blog, which will create the most popular website. You can’t just focus on the content or design of your pages, nor can you put all your effort toward a fantastic header image or a particular style of writing.

Whatever your reasons are for writing content it could be a content site, business or a personal hobby, it’s important to do it right. Let’s have a look at all, the content requirement for bloggers.

1. Create original content
Original content works great for Google as well as your visitors. Original means, your ideas need to be original. Replacing the same concepts over and over again is not called original. So, try focusing on original and creative content, which will attract the visitors as it will be new for them.

2. Know your audience, have a desire to create a network
You should know whom are you writing for, knowing your target audience is very much important to meet your Content requirement for Bloggers. This will create a sense of knowledge about your content. By nature, blogging is a social medium. Top bloggers take ​the time to respond to comments and interact with their visitors, as well as network on social sites, forums, and more, all in an effort to further promote their blogs. Socializing will create a flow of traffic on your website.

3. Focus on strong headlines
A good and catchy headline is always a plus point for your write up. Try considering these two while providing a headline:

  • 85% of people will be judging the write up, by just reading its headline
  • Which makes only 15% of those people will read the rest of your content!

4. Create engaging and thought provoking content
Remember an engaged audience hangs on to your every word and takes in all that you write and say. But, the only way to create an engaged audience is by creating an engaging content. Here are a few tips to help you write engaging content:

  • Leave the readers with a question
  • Have an important and promising introduction
  • Remember that people love stories

In addition to passion, it’s very essential for a blogger to be creative and give the readers something valuable.

Shake things up and go against the status quo. Blending in is just a comfortable and common tactic; try the opposite and then see if your blog can make its way through the crowd to stand out on its own.

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